Friday, December 18, 2015

Crochet Giraffe Mug Cozy

Friday, December 18, 2015
Have you seen some of the giraffe mug cozy's around? I sure have and I have a really good friend who would love one too!

So I went searching for a pattern, but wasn't finding one that I liked (or didn't want to pay for) I almost gave up. Then I thought about it, and was determined to make one without a pattern!

I drew out the shape I wanted and how I would want the eyes, mouth/nose, horns and ears and other stuff to look then picked up my favorite crochet hook and started!

It was actually easier than I thought once I got started. I've been crocheting for almost 10 years, but only recently been expanding my skills and seeing what I can really do. This giraffe mug cozy was my first time to just sit and create something of my own. I'm pretty proud of it too!

It's really beginning to take some shape here. The horns were a little tricky to figure out. There was a specific shape I wanted for them, but after a few minutes, it started to look right!

A few hours later and this is what I got. Perfect, I think! Its super cute and us actually pretty easy (after I got the pattern sorted out) The ears were the last thing for me to do, and I don't know why, but those came super easy to me!

I hope you enjoyed this little progress post from me. This will be a patter soon! So keep an eye out for that later! In the meantime, tell me how you started making your own patterns. Was it difficult or did pattern making come easy for you?

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